Sex: 口male 口female
How long have you played Second Life?
How often do you play it?
How do you get the information about having sex in sl?
l How often do you visit these places?
Please recommend the top 5 places you like most.
l Which one do you think is easier to find a mate in sl, male or female? Why?
l How do you choose your mate when you want to have sex?
l Do you inquire the real sex of you mate before you decide to have sex with him/her? Why or why not?
l If the sex of you mate doesn’t match the avartar’s, would you mind? Why or why not?
l Have you ever tried the commercial sex in sl? Why or why not?
l Where do you find the commercial sex?
Please recommend 1 to 5 places you often visit
l What kind of service would you like to pay the highest?
l Which one do you think cost more money? Toy boy or prostitute?
l Does the sex experience in second life influence your real life?