During the hard time, College students struggle to survive in the jobs jungle.
Nowadays, not only elder employees but also the rookies can’t help worrying about their career. Being an intellectual or having a good educational background seems to do little help during the great depression, yet there are still chances for some well-prepared challengers! Thus, how to make a fantastic resume and obtain the ideal position in the company are the most important things in the war of jobs-hunting. Professor Hé, who teaches advanced English oral training class in National Central University is going to initiate some useful tips.
According to Hé, many of employers will not scrutinize the resumes because it takes a lot of time. Instead, they incline to focus on whether employees are qualified in the position or not. Therefore, to write a suitable and impressive resume which will make you stand out and obtain the chance for interview is so crucial when you’re looking for a job. But what an impressive resume look like? “You have to know the needs of your employers first. What are they looking for? Am I the suitable one for this job? It is the key point when employers decide to see you or not. Then write a clear and formal resume. Remember to put your advantages in the front. If you are experienced, put Experiences in the top of it, yet if you are the rookies with high academic degree, show it first. Try to polish your resume and highlight your edge in it will be very helpful.” she said.
It is astonishing that the rate of unemployment rises so badly this year and many people in Taiwan feel quite nervous about it. To find a job, even for those candidates who have good educational backgrounds, is no longer a piece of cake. To survive in the hard time, being well-prepared is basic, and an impressive resume will benefit a lot.3
videos link from professor's personal teaching website:
Nowadays, not only elder employees but also the rookies can’t help worrying about their career. Being an intellectual or having a good educational background seems to do little help during the great depression, yet there are still chances for some well-prepared challengers! Thus, how to make a fantastic resume and obtain the ideal position in the company are the most important things in the war of jobs-hunting. Professor Hé, who teaches advanced English oral training class in National Central University is going to initiate some useful tips.
According to Hé, many of employers will not scrutinize the resumes because it takes a lot of time. Instead, they incline to focus on whether employees are qualified in the position or not. Therefore, to write a suitable and impressive resume which will make you stand out and obtain the chance for interview is so crucial when you’re looking for a job. But what an impressive resume look like? “You have to know the needs of your employers first. What are they looking for? Am I the suitable one for this job? It is the key point when employers decide to see you or not. Then write a clear and formal resume. Remember to put your advantages in the front. If you are experienced, put Experiences in the top of it, yet if you are the rookies with high academic degree, show it first. Try to polish your resume and highlight your edge in it will be very helpful.” she said.
It is astonishing that the rate of unemployment rises so badly this year and many people in Taiwan feel quite nervous about it. To find a job, even for those candidates who have good educational backgrounds, is no longer a piece of cake. To survive in the hard time, being well-prepared is basic, and an impressive resume will benefit a lot.3
videos link from professor's personal teaching website: