2009年6月9日 星期二
sex and trade
Besides, we will specify our topic that how sex trade in second life operate and what potential factors may influence it.
As the result, we redesigned and reordered our questionnaires which would enable the interviewees to have a clearly understanding and answer the questions more precisely.
Conducted by group5
This questionnaire is aimed at the potential factors which may influence sex trade in Second Life..
Personal information:
Place (Location)
Sex: Male Female
1. How do you find this place?
2. Why do you want to have sex in second life? Please explain it.
3. What does sex trade mean to you?
4. How often do you have sex trade? (per month)
5. Which sex clubs do you usually visit?
How much money do you pay for each sex trade at those places?
6. What kind of “service” have you ever had?
Which one do you think is the most impressive?
7. What service(s) would you like to pay the highest price?
8. When you decide your sex partner, what other factors will influence the sex trade except prices, places, and services? Why?
9. Does the trade experience in second life influence your attitude toward sex in real life?
Why or why not?
2009年6月2日 星期二
our survey for final project

Sex: 口male 口female
How long have you played Second Life?
How often do you play it?
How do you get the information about having sex in sl?
l How often do you visit these places?
Please recommend the top 5 places you like most.
l Which one do you think is easier to find a mate in sl, male or female? Why?
l How do you choose your mate when you want to have sex?
l Do you inquire the real sex of you mate before you decide to have sex with him/her? Why or why not?
l If the sex of you mate doesn’t match the avartar’s, would you mind? Why or why not?
l Have you ever tried the commercial sex in sl? Why or why not?
l Where do you find the commercial sex?
Please recommend 1 to 5 places you often visit
l What kind of service would you like to pay the highest?
l Which one do you think cost more money? Toy boy or prostitute?
l Does the sex experience in second life influence your real life?
2009年5月3日 星期日
(revised) Set Africa at Home
Decorate your house with the wildest furniture!
What kind of image will flash into your mind as we talk about Africa? Is it dark, mysterious or undeveloped? If so, you must live in the 18th century. But if you live in 21st century, you will find out how different images it has changed. Instead of the stereotype about this continent, the African style is blooming.
Every season, the fashion style changes a lot, but recently the aboriginal and tribal style is coming back. The famous brands use many material from this style in their designs. In other words, Africa is hot now! So you may want to ask the question—where can I enjoy it? Luckily, you don’t have to fly to Africa. Instead, you can enjoy at home! Visit the Four Directions African Store in second life, you’ll have fun there and enjoy shopping at the same time, moreover, decorate your house in Africa style!
As soon as you “teleport” here, the wonderful scenes catch your eyes immediately. The big-blue see, the natural environment, and the wild animals are waiting for you. In addition, when you hang around, you can enjoy the original life style. For instance; the tents with folk style features, the drum decorated with totem, the carpet made by animal fur, and even the sacrificial altar are available. All of them can show up in you own house, and if you really enjoy this kind of style, the idea of living in a tent sounds not bad.
Enjoy Africa is not a dream; and you don’t have to be an explorer or the scientist who need to fly to there. Just login second life, visits the African store, buys some wildest furniture, and then enjoys at home!
2009年4月28日 星期二
Set Africa at Home

Decorate your house with the wildest furniture!
What kind of image will flash into your mind as we mention about Africa? Is it dark, mysterious or underdeveloped? If it is, you must live in the 18th century. If you live in 21st century, you will find out how different images it has changed. Instead the stereotype about this continent, the African style is blooming.
Every season, the fashion style changes a lot, but recently the aboriginal and tribal style is coming back. The famous brands use many material of it in their designs. In other words, Africa is hot now! So you may want to ask the question—where can I enjoy it? Luckily, you don’t have to fly to Africa, instead, you can enjoy at home! Visit the Four Directions African Store in second life, you’ll have fun there and enjoy shopping at the same time, moreover, decorate your house in Africa style!
As soon as you “teleport” here, the wonderful scenes catch your eyes immediately. The big-blue see, the natural environment, and the wild animals are waiting for you. In addition, when you hang around, you can enjoy the original life style. For instance; the tents with folk style features, the drum decorated with totem, the carpet made by animal fur, and even the sacrificial altar are available. All of them can show up in you own house, and if you really enjoy this kind of style, living in a tent sounds not bad.
Enjoy Africa is not a dream; and you don’t have to be an explorer or the scientist who need to fly to there. Just login second life, visits the African store, buys some wildest furniture, and then enjoys at home!
2009年4月21日 星期二
(revised)Take it for granted! It’s all free in second life!
In second life, players enjoy shopping, but they get everything for free!
Buying things without paying? You must be crazy in real life. Yet, in second life, it could be possible and reasonable. The players can take everything free in the places of second life such as "Freebie dove” and “Freebie Heaven” and allows their figures called Avatars in second life to change their looks randomly.
At the beginning of this game, the players have to choose one of fixed figures, for example, “a girl next door”, as their avatars that represent their identities in second life. Since the style of avatar is fixed one, so if the players want to change the looking style, they must go shopping for the figure. Yet, there is a problem they may encounter. As well as in the real life, players in second life have to pay for their stuffs, but the token they use are Linden Money. Without money, players can’t buy anything. Especially for those who just start the game (we call them “newbies” in second life), the need of money becomes the biggest difficulty as they go shopping. Therefore, the places such as freebie dove or freebie beach give them a chance. Most of the stuffs there, no matter the clothes, accessories or the furniture are free, even the organs are free in the freebies. The players just need to go there and take the stuffs for themselves and change their styles. Some players share the pleasures of free stuffs in freebies with us. Zoe, who looks like a catty says that she comes to freebie world very often because everything here costs no more than 10 dollars and most of them are free. And Lisa, who dresses like a punk girl, tells us that she comes here every week to check the new stuffs and she enjoys to changes her look very much. In fact, Lisa goes to many places like freebies to get her free stuffs. Like many players, Zoë and Lisa spend a lot of time hanging around the freebies world and collecting those free stuffs. Getting the free things in second life; to them, are enjoyable.
Second life provides an opportunity for players to realize their shopping desires which can’t be accomplished in real life so that more and more people play the game. Want a Gucci bag? Take it from freebie. Or a cool race car? Take it without paying. Even though the desire of body changing, the plastic surgery is unnecessary. Need a new face? Just log in, find a lovely one and replace the old. What’s best is that all of them are free! No crazy, only shopping!
2009年4月14日 星期二
Take it for granted! It's all free in second life

Unlike other on-line games, in second life, players don’t need to fight with monsters for gaining the stuffs; they are free!
At the beginning of this game, the players can choose one of fixed figures, for example, a girl next door, as their avatars that represent their identities in second life. Since the style of avatar is fixed one, so if the players want to change the looking style, they must go shopping for the figure. Yet, there is a problem they may encounter. Similar to the real life, players in second life have to pay for their stuffs, but the token they use are Linden Money. Without money, players can’t buy anything. Especially for those who just start the game (we call newbie in second life), the need of money becomes the biggest difficulty as they go shopping. Therefore, the places such as freebie dove or freebie beach give them a chance. Most of the stuffs in there, no matter the clothes, accessories or the furniture are free, even the organs are free in the freebies. The players just need to go there and take the stuffs for themselves and change their styles. Some players share the pleasures of free stuffs in freebies with us. Zoe, who looks like a catty says that she comes to freebie world very often because everything here costs no more than 10 dollars and most of them are free. And Lisa, who dresses like a punk girl, tells us she will come here every week to check the new stuffs and she enjoys to changes her look very much. In fact, Lisa will go many places like freebies to get her free stuffs. Like many players, Zoë and Lisa spend a lot of time hanging around the freebies world and collecting those free stuffs. Getting the free things in second life, to them, are vey enjoyable.
Second life provides the chance for players to realize their shopping desires which can’t be accomplished in real life so that more and more people play the game. You want a Gucci bag? Take it from freebie. You want a cool race car? Buy it without paying. Even though the desire of body changing, the plastic surgery is unnecessary. You need a new face? Just go to freebie world, find a lovely one and replace it. What’s best is that all of them are free! No crazy, only shopping!
2009年4月7日 星期二
revised vision watch it! you may be targetd in ncu campus!
Stealing bullies around the national entral university of taiwan!
Do you think umbrella is just an invaluable accessory that only cost 70 dollars? Do you find out you lose your umbrella very often? From now on, be very careful in this campus, because your umbrella probably has been targeted by the light-finger.According to the weather report, it will rain very often in Taiwan recently. Therefore, with an umbrella when you plan to go out is definitely necessary. Yet, in our campus, some of students discover they lose it after class or eating out. Of course, those people get infuriated when they realize that stealer lurks in the school. Therefore, you should know how to avoid it and keep eye on the places which may be cradles of stealing. Where are the most common places that you may lose your umbrella? On the BBS (the platform college students use), we know it occurs very often at the passage of classroom, dormitories, library and restaurants which adjacent to school. What kind of umbrella is easily aimed? Based on the statistics, the top one is so called “unbeatable umbrella.” Because of its high quality, it is the commonest. Within a week, you may receive several complaints from different people about losing it. If this disturbs you, how can you avoid it? First, never go out with the expensive one if it is not needed. Second, make a significant mark on your umbrella to make sure it won’t be mistakenly take away by others. Although you do the prior protections, you need to be cautious any time and anywhere. Always make sure your umbrella is within you eyesight will be very helpful.It is regretful to find out the umbrella stealer in our campus; however, to protect your own one, you must have to be very careful if you don’t want to be hooked.